Ian, the Older of the Bears
Manager and Hardwood Supplier

Ian is the brains of the bunch, while Kaleb and Cody do the leg work! Armed with multiple Bachelor's Degrees and a Master's Degree in Education, Ian uses his skills to ensure things are running smoothly between the other two, arguably less organized bears.

As his full-time job, Ian is the Foreman for a tree-cutting service in his locality in Southwest Wisconsin. Ian is married, and has an adorable one year-old son who is much loved by his uncles.

As the business grows, Ian intends to turn his dabbling with lathe work of turning bowls and other particulars into salable pieces, made with you in mind!

In his free time Ian enjoys to spend time with his family, explore the outdoors in his area of Wisconsin, and fish with his father, Richard- and of course, spend time in his workshop creating, fixing, and everything else!

Ian also spent a number of years serving in the Iowa Army National Guard as a Medical Lieutenant.